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Good Hooks for Organizing a Research Paper on Knowledge Management

Organization of a paper is very important as it says much about its quality, and the level of professionalism of the writer or author. This is true when writing research paper for management or other subject. It is important to know the traits of properly and professionally organized paper, so you can know how to write quality document.

  • Signs of professionally organized paper:
    A paper that is adequately developed is organized by the main ideas of the author. It is organized in point form, with one point followed by the other, and can be described as one in which –
    • Is focused on the thesis,
    • Uses only parts of sources in order to support the thesis,
    • Uses several sources in single section, since it draws information and ideas from the various sources in order to support the original idea.
    • Cites the same sources in various sections of the paper, for the reason that different ideas or facts from those sources have varying relevance to the different points that the author wants to make.
  • Signs of unprofessionally organized paper:
    A paper that is not adequately developed is organized by source (instead of the main ideas of the author). A paper which is organized by source will have introduction, the first source, second source, third source, fourth source, and so on.
  • Proper organization of paper:
    A research paper on knowledge management in education should be organized as follows –
    1. The introduction:
      • Should capture the interest and attention of the reader.
      • Should state the question and give the necessary background information.
      • State answers to the question (or thesis). The thesis is basically the point you want to prove in the paper.
    2. First major point for supporting thesis:
      In this stage, you can use first source for providing the statistics, second source to provide interpretation of the statistics, source to provide the other facts required for this major point, and may also add author’s (own) perspective. This perspective should tie together the different sources in to one point that you want to prove.
    3. Second major point for supporting thesis:
      In this part, you may use different part of the second source and provide some additional statistics, part of fourth source to provider some other facts, part of the fifth source to provide interpretation of the facts, and part of the first source to provide some different interpretation. Again, you will have to give author’s perspective which ties together these parts in to one single point to be proven.

This organization and structure should be followed for all the points which are required to prove the thesis. The paper should focus on the thesis you developed, and should the necessary sources in to support that thesis.